…and sometimes I teach!

photo of the metalsmithing tools of Monica Cardone which include a saw, a hammer, 2 files, and a divider

Solid Foundations of Metalsmithing

Want to start making jewelry but don’t know what the basics are? Great, let me show you. I love teaching the solid skills of metalsmithing like sawing, filing, and soldering. You don’t need a lot of tools to make awesome jewelry. We’ll make four different projects and you’ll come away from this class with a solid base of knowledge that will take you where you want to go.

photo of Monica Cardone's hands as she bezel sets a piece of sea glass against a bench pin with a hammer handpiece

Bad Ass Bezels with the Hammer Handpiece

Make some thick bezels with the power of the hammer hand piece. Why thick bezels? Because you want to “respect and value” the stone you’ve chosen for a long lasting heirloom piece of jewelry. Sometimes, size does matter. You’ll learn all about setting irregular stones and the ins and outs of the hammer hand piece.